How to Promote and Share Your Blogs Online

Olympia Caswell • October 14, 2021

5 Ways to Share Your Content with Your Target Audience!

Creating content on a regular basis for your customers and visitors to enjoy can be a difficult task for anyone, especially if you also need to run your business. Writing and maintaining a blog is a lot of work for anyone, and not only that, but you want it to reach as many people as possible, and to bring in as many customers as possible.

So how do you do this you might ask? How do you reach the largest amount of people with your blog?


Running and operating a blog is a lot like a business. It requires attention and time in order to get a good return out of it. Like a business, a blog needs to be marketed, and word of it spread around. If you didn't do any marketing for your business, you wouldn't expect anyone to know about it and for you wouldn't expect customers to flock to you, and it's the same way with a blog. Just like a business, you are going to need to spread the word with an amazing blog promotion strategy!

1. Email Marketing

One of the most important ways to get your blog out there is to get familiar with email marketing. Putting your time and effort into emailing your customers and subscribers is one of the best forms of marketing, with email offering an almost 4200% return on investment

Finding people to email with your blog posts is something that takes time. You don't start a business and have thousands of people on an email list automatically, it requires work and time like most other things. 

Having a sign-up and subscribe button on your website is critical for building up a mailing list, people who have shown interest in your business and what you have to offer, and voluntarily put themselves down to be emailed. Once you've started building your list, send them emails with your blog posts and your newsletters, but not only that, asking them to comment and share also goes a long way. If people like you and your business, they will tell others!

It isn't only your own list that you should try to market to though. Having friends and other colleagues in the business is huge for marketing, especially email. If you know other business owners in your area, ask them to use their list to email subscribers and contacts about you. Most people won't do this out of the goodness of their hearts though, so expect to return the favor!

Build an Email List and Use It

Geofencing is powerful tool to use for personalizing each potential and existing customer experience. Different forms of advertising campaigns can be pushed out using geofencing, all targeting a different array of customers.

Users who have downloaded your app can receive special offers in a specific location. New customers may receive information about your store when they enter a specific block of the city or town they are in. The opportunities are endless for your geofencing campaign, only limited by one's own creativity.

2. Social Media Marketing

The next form of marketing that you should 100% be doing is marketing through social media. Despite email's being more effective, that doesn't mean you should be slacking on your social media posting. About 54% of customers use social media to browse for products and services, so taking your time and creating quality posts should definitely be important to you.

 While the target audience of social media platforms can be quite varied, it doesn't mean you can't reach everyone!

Just like having a good email marketing strategy, finding and using a social media strategy that's right for you will go a long way towards reaching potential customers.

Mainstream Social Media

While this may seem obvious, maintaining and actively utilizing mainstream social media is a great way to promote your blogs. 

Utilize social media posts on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in order to promote your blogs and your awesome content. Tailor and optimize your posts so that you can reach a wider audience, and use them to push not only your business, but especially your blog.

Asking your customers and subscribers to share your posts on all social media platforms is also a huge way to reach more people, especially if they're also on your mailing list!

Definitely take advantage of tools that let you set up content creation calendars and tailor your posts for your business and needs. Platforms such as Buffer or Hootsuite let you set up all of your social media accounts under one streamlined tool, giving you a chance to customize and improve upon your content marketing.


Another great way to spread your content is to post in forums and groups found among most social media sites. These online communities give you a chance to not only build a relationship with people in your community and niche, but to market your blog and business at the same time. 

These communities and forums give you a chance to share content and comment on other people's posts. Becoming known and trusted within these different communities can be a great source of traffic to your site and blog once you become established! Finding a local Facebook group or Pinterest group is an excellent way to connect with locals and those interested in your specific niche or type of business.

Not only is participating in these communities a great way to promote yourself, but also a great way to generate new content ideas and find information to help you create more awesome content!

3. Content Leverage

If you only attempt to reach the people that you know, you are missing out on a huge percentage of potential customers. Leveraging your content out to other sites, while it might seem counterintuitive, is a great way to reach the larger blogging community.

Aggregate Your Content

Blog aggregators collect all of your blogs and content that you have created and compile it into a singular location that is easy to find. Blog aggregator sites have are required to link back to your site and your blog, so getting your blog content into the hands of more people is incredibly easy, and not only that, your blogs are all in one place for visitors to enjoy. 

Here's a list of some blog aggregator sites to get you started:

  • Blogorama - It's as easy as creating an account and submitting your blogs to the site, and topics are numerous and easy to find. To post on Blogorama, simply sign up for a free account, an email will be sent in order to confirm the creation. Once you've created your account, simply click on the Add New Listing button and fill out the information. If you're blog gets approved it will be added to the site!
  • Flipboard - A great aggregator that allows users to create a feed based on their interests to display relevant content to them. Submitting personal content is super easy for any type of content. To start using Flipboard to generate traffic, create an free account on their websites and select the type of content you'd like to see. After that click the Compose Flip button in the top right hand corner of the screen. Here you can add the url of your blog and a comment if you'd like. You can also potentially add a Flipboard button to your blogs so that other people can share them as well.

Content Syndication 

Outbrain describes content syndication as, "web-based content is re-published by a third party website." Syndicating your partner is a great way to get exposure to larger audiences, ones that you might not be able to reach.


Using a social platform such as LinkedIn to republish your posts, you are able to reach far more potential customers. You don't need to republish your entire blog post on these sites, but instead can opt to give your blog URL or link back to your website after only putting in a teaser of your blog. 

Other websites to syndicate your content with include:

  • Reddit - A great place to find likeminded communities and to share content. Start out by creating your free account. After that search for different "subreddits", or smaller forum-like communities, that define your business or interests. Having your blog in your bio that others can view is great, and posting your content to these communities is a good start. Most subreddits have rules against posting links, so finding a good balance between posting and commenting is important!
  • Facebook - As mentioned above, finding good Facebook groups and communities is important. Publishing parts or most of your blog is a good idea, and potentially linking your blog as well. 
  • Quora - Start by making a free Quora account. Finding questions and discussions relevant to your topic and blog and republishing some or all of the blog is a great way to build rapport in the community. Simply republishing your blog's as well can go a long way! 
  • Scoop.It - Scoop.It may look intimidating at first, but it's quite easy don't worry! Creating your account is free and easy. Add in your interests and specialties next. After you've done that, creat your own Scoop page with the topic of your choice or blog. After that you can choose to upload your own documents or links, as well as link back to your Scoop.It page if you want!

4. Building Relationships

Marketing can be a difficult process, to allowing other people to help you, and in turn you help them, is an excellent way to get your blog out there and reach a larger audience. Building relationships with influencers and other people in your field, and having them post your relevant blogs is an excellent way to build rapport with the community.

Utilize Influencers

Finding and building relations with various influencers and experts in your field should be a top priority. It unfortunately isn't as simple as messaging someone and asking them to share content created by you, but it doesn't have to be hard either.

One of the best ways to get someone to contribute to your blog or post is to interview them. Interviewing people who are knowledgeable in the field, or even other bloggers, can get their loyal audience to read your blog. Many people who are interviewed for a piece of content will share, repost, or comment on your blog, giving you a much wider outreach than you had before.

Another way to use influencers is to have them in your blog in some form or another. Asking them to either contribute to a blog you've written or are writing, or acknowledging and using their work for your blog is a great form of influencer marketing. You get to use them and their name brand in your work, and they get free marketing, it's a win-win for both parties.


Commenting on popular blogs or blogs that are big in your field is an excellent way to start building relationships with both the blog owners and the audience that they have. 

Commenting on blog posts gives you a chance to showcase your knowledge and expertise, as well as interact with potential customers and clients. 

Not only do you get a chance to interact with other people's blog content and the writer's, but they may give a chance to guest blog or help with a blog they have in the future!

Guest blogging

This gives us a chance to touch on the last form of relationship marketing you can have, and that is guest blogging. 

Once you have built relationships with people in your field and influential bloggers, you will more than likely get a chance to guest blog for them. 

This gives you exposure not only for yourself and your blog, but helps them out as well, giving them quality content and exposure. This piece of content is tied back to you, and not only builds the relationship, but reaches their audience as well. If you get a chance to guest blog, take it!

5. Building Relationships

The last up in the list is any kind of paid marketing that you can do. While it can be expensive, it is definitely worthwhile to consider investing in this kind of marketing, not just for your blog, but your business and website as well. 

Social Media

Social media marketing is nothing new, but alongside posting and keeping your social media accounts up-to-date, you can utilize ads. The following sites are usually the best use of your money, but it is worth it for you to look into where your targeted audience resides:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Instagram Ads
  • Pinterest Pins
  • Twitter Ads
  • LinkedIn Ads

While more exist, these are the top ones, and they are the ones with the highest click-through-rate and social platforms you should be promoting.

PPC Advertising

PPC or Pay-Per-Click advertising, is paying search engines to display your website or blog on the top of certain kinds of searches. You pay these search engines every time someone clicks on the ad, hence the term pay-per-click. 

While this form of advertising can be more expensive, it will definitely boost your organic traffic, so using it can be a big help and provide you with a steady stream of consumers.


While there's no silver bullet for advertising, there are many different blog promotion tactics that may work for you, it just comes to putting in the time and effort to see results. No one is going to to go from 1 blog viewer to 1 million overnight, but using all the tools you have to your advantage is a surefire way to increase your engagement rate.

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